Job Charts

You have two download options for Job Charts: 1) Ready-to Print Sets; and 2) Customizable Sets. The Ready-to-Print sets are pre-filled with images and text. These are great if you are short on time or have technical problems with the Customizable Sets. The Customizable Sets allow you to diversify representation based on your classroom or school demographics.

If you’re at all confused, check out our instructional video with step-by-step instructions.

Ready-to-Print Sets

8.5x11” pdf. No edits needed. These sets have pre-filled images and text. The text is editable.

Customizable Sets

Step 1: Download a Customizable Template

8.5x11” pdf. Imagery is editable with Adobe. PC-users can use the free version of Adobe. Mac-users need Adobe pro. If you are a Mac-user and don’t have Adobe Pro, we recommend you use our Ready-to-Print Sets.

Step 2: Download Images for your Job Chart

Images are .jpgs and sized to fit into the template. Once the image is downloaded, click the image icon in the template to add your image. Finally, add text by clicking in the text box at the top of each square. Confused? Watch our tutorial here.

Pencil Patrol

Paper Patrol

Pet Feeder

Plant Helper

Attendance Helper

Hand Sanitizer Helper

Room Inspector

Water Guard

Table Captain

Teacher’s Helper

Line Leader


Computer Helper

Door Holder

Center Manager

Bathroom Monitor


Lights Helper | Electrician

Time Keeper


Projector Helper


Career Poster Set

